
About The Foundation
Get Involved
The Mission

What We Stand For

THE SOMETHING ABOUT MARY FOUNDATION MISSION is to provide books and clothing to children whose parents cannot afford to provide books and clothing to their children and to ultimately ensure that each child is sufficiently well provided for and well provisioned to enable that child or young person to focus on education and learning.

The Vision

What We Want To Accomplish

THE SOMETHING ABOUT MARY FOUNDATION VISION is to create a world where all the children of school-going age are not left back, for want of books and other educational and welfare materials, but also get to go to school like their counterparts whose parents can afford those books and other educational and welfare materials.

How It All Started

Our Story

The Something About Mary Foundation is not your average nonprofit organization begging for huge financial sums to aid our noble cause. We do not come to you cap in hand, asking you to dig deep into your pockets. We come to you and implore you to be a stakeholder in our dream. We urge you to be a lifetime partner for that indigent child who can’t be sent to school because his parent can’t afford the books. We do not ask you for what you cannot give, we ask for you for that which you are most likely to throw out, your children’s old stuff they no longer use, used books, uniforms, shoes, sandals, gym shoes, school bags, clothes of any kind, notebooks and other writing materials.

For the most part we ask you to invest in that child whose parents cannot afford such items, educational and welfare development and with your help we can realize our dream of providing an academic future for the hordes of vulnerable children of school-going age out there, who cannot be in school because their parents do not have the money for their books and other educational material and needs.

The idea behind Something About Mary Foundation was first seeded as far back as 2009. The Something About Mary Foundation (or the S.A.M Foundation) is the brainchild of a few concerned patrons and parents who decided to come together to combine their respective apprehensions for poverty alleviation, the preservation of the environment, the enhancement of children’s universal free education, the fight against human trafficking and child labor and general protection of children’s rights and collapse all them all in to a neat little capture all, altruistic bundle. The notion was kicked around for an entire decade, during which time, the opinions of possible philanthropic patrons, and plausible and implausible ideas and concepts were kicked around, sampled and considered. And finally, after nearly a decade of talking the bourgeoning notion that finally crystalized culminated in the creation and incorporation of the SOMETHING ABOUT MARY FOUNDATION (SAMF) on Wednesday, the 8th day of November 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is Something About Mary Foundation a registered NGO?

Yes. Something About Mary Foundation is registered as an organization in Nigeria.

How do we become a Something About Mary Foundation Partner/Sponsor?

Use the orange “Join now“ link to access our Partner form, or simply call us to talk.  Please call us at (234) 803-342-4981

What percentage of my donation goes to the cause?

A 100% of your donation goes to whichever cause you donated to.

Where is the drop-off location?

Drop-offs can be made at the organisation’s address: 41 Bende Street, Behind SPDC (I.A) Contractors Gate, Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

What happens if I need more information?
How do I volunteer for a cause?

Please email info@somethingaboutmaryfoundation.org with your intent to volunteer and your location. Or call (234) 803-342-4981

Can I give in cash donations?

Yes. Cash donations are accepted, and you can easily send them in via our donations page. Or contact us at (234) 803-342-4981 for more info.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We need to give all our kids the chance to succeed.

41 Bende Street, Behind SPDC (I.A) Contractors Gate, Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Call Us: (234) 815-545-2222