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41 Bende Street, Behind SPDC (I.A) Contractors Gate, Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Is Something About Mary Foundation a registered NGO?

Yes. Something About Mary Foundation is registered as an organization in Nigeria.

How do we become a Something About Mary Foundation Partner/Sponsor?

Use the orange “Join now“ link to access our Partner form, or simply call us to talk.  Please call us at (234) 803-342-4981

What percentage of my donation goes to the cause?

A 100% of your donation goes to whichever cause you donated to.

Where is the drop-off location?

Drop-offs can be made at the organisation’s address: 41 Bende Street, Behind SPDC (I.A) Contractors Gate, Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

What happens if I need more information?
How do I volunteer for a cause?

Please email with your intent to volunteer and your location. Or call (234) 803-342-4981

Can I give in cash donations?

Yes. Cash donations are accepted, and you can easily send them in via our donations page. Or contact us at (234) 803-342-4981 for more info.